42,500 KILOS
CO2 is inexpensive, non-combustible, FDA approved GRAS, germicidal, free of bacteria, recyleable and mobile.
CO2 is non-toxic, environmentally inert, CFC & HFC free and considered a “natural extraction fluid”.
C02 is beneficial as there are no solvent residues left in the extract or the raw material. Fragrances and aromas remain unchanged. Pure extracts are achieved with fewer process steps saving both time and money..
The solvating conditions can be easily changed to match any input material as well as desired output product. C02 allows for both selective extraction and fractionated separation is possible.
For many applications supercritical fluid extraction has several advantages compared to conventional processes. Botanical ingredients sensitive to high temperatures can be extracted smoothly and selectively.
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With only a staff total of 7 needed for 24 hour continuous processing. Modern Xtractions X1 is the simplest, most cost efficient, industrial scale hemp and cannabis extraction technology. Set your input product based on the biomass COA, cannabinoid & terpene profile, load your super-sacs into the biomass decorticator line and begin your whole plant extraction.